Brief History

The Eastside Mission Church was founded in 1948 to enable people of all denominations to worship together in the love of Christ. At the time of founding, services were held in homes and storefronts. The people of the church were eventually able to purchase a plot of land and hold services in a street car. That plot of land was eventually sold off and the land that our fellowship hall currently sits on became the site of the church. The church continued to grow and follow God's tenets, as a result, the land where the sanctuary now sits was purchased and the sanctuary was built. As the church continued to grow, we were able to repurchase the original land that the street car sat on, this land is our current parking lot. The church was also able to purchase the land and house behind the church in order to continue the church's expansion and allow for more opportunities to do God's work through future projects.

Articles of Faith of the Eastside Mission Church

  1. God all supreme Creator of all things in whom we believe and have our being.

  2. Jesus Christ, His son, born of the Virgin Mary, died on the cross, arose from the dead, ascended to the Father and is coming again for the Church.

  3. The Holy Spirit, all-powerful, received unto the soul, quickens and makes alive, reproves the wold of sin, of righteousness and of Judgement.

  4. We believe in the Trinity of the God Head, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

  5. The blood of Jesus Christ alone can save from sin.

  6. Baptisim by emersion, an answer of a good conscious toward God.

  7. The Lord's Supper as a Church Ordinance. Let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup.